In the end, it all comes up to how you treated people. Nobody knows about your struggles, nobody knows that you spend nights and nights weeping and fighting with your emotions, nobody knows your past, nobody knows the private life you live, nobody knows what you go through in your social network everyday.

But all they care about is how you have treated them. Even if you have been dying from inside, it is extremely important to treat others with kindness and stay humble throughout. You never know through whom God might plan to reward you for your patience and gentleness towards His creation.

Never underestimate the power of positive healthy relationships which are a result of your kindness towards each one of your friends/family/acquaintance.

Think about it: treat others like you want to be treated by them.Relationships that last are not ones made on the basis of status, complexion, caste and qualification, instead they are based on the way you treat people.

Everyone is fighting their own war, lets learn the art of forgiving, so we can expect some forgiving from God Himself.